Has anyone done this yet? If so lets put the FAQ's together.
If anyone has anything to add, please mail me. Apgar@Apple.Com.
Clean Install - Boot from Disk Tools, Delete or Disable the System Folder (to disable a System Folder, trash the Finder and rename the System Folder), run Disk First Aid, update the HD driver(s), restart and wait for the blinking ?, insert Install 1 and do a custom install, and then install the Tune-Up.
Q1) SendPS, the old Namer and Adobe FontDownloader do not work &/or PageMaker 4.0 or 4.0.1 does not download PostScript fonts like it used to.
A) These applications do not know about the new Extensions folder in System 7! To download stuff to a laser printer use the System 7 LaserWriter Font Utilty. It's on the 800K More Tidbits disk. It's also on the HD Tidbits disk. IF you must use one of these applications move the LaserWriter driver out of the Extensions folder to the top level of the System Folder. For PageMaker move the printer fonts to the top level of the System Folder or get PageMaker 4.2. The new Namer is on the GUK (Group Upgrade Kit). The new LaserWriter Font Utilty 7.1 also has the Namer features built in. It's on the disks that ship with the new LaserWriters.
Q2) When I open any DA I get an error message or the DA immediately closes.
A) A bad Extension or Control Panel is loading. It is usually the SUM HD Partition init or an old verions of Suitcase. Boot with extensions off (shift key down at startup) and then test your DA's to confirm. Then troubleshoot the inits. Find the bad one and terminate it.
Q3a) My System is taking up way too much RAM.
A) You need to turn on 32-bit addressing. Under 24-bit addressing (this is what you are in when 32-bit addressing is off) all RAM above 8 Megs is mapped to the System but not used. Warning: first make sure HD drivers, Nubus cards, Control Panels, Extensions and all Applications are 32-bit compatible! The startup dialog before fixing this should be (thanks John Woods):
A) Extensions and Control Panels all use RAM. So do the Disk Cache and Ram Disk features. Try booting with extensions off and check how much RAM the System uses. A minimal System will use between 900K and 1300K. My System with about 10 Extensions uses 2.6 Megs!
Q4) When I trash anything my machine locks up.
A) You have a bad Extension or Control Panel (usually an old Mirror, FileSaver, CPSTagFix or SUM Shield Init) or if it only happens when FileSharing is on then it's an Extension or Control Panel that is not fully compatible with FileSharing.
Q5) What should I do if I come across really weird system errors like Bad F-Line, Bus Error or Error of type 25?
A) If 32-bit adressing or Virtual Memory is on try turning them off, restarting and testing your system. If the problems go away, troubleshoot the inits. Next, restart with extensions off and test the system. If the problems go away, troubleshoot the inits. IF strange problems persist, try disconnecting your SCSI chain. IF strange problems persist, try a clean install (see definition above). IF strange problems still persist BACKUP/REFORMAT/RESINSTALL. IF strange problems still persist, try other disks, try other SIMMs, re-seat your NuBus cards in different slots or have diagnostics run on the hardware.
Q6) When I mount a volume thru Appleshare I get the message the disk is unreadable.
A) An old version of DosMounter is interfering. Remove it or update it.
Q7) When I try to add fonts to my System I get an error message or crash or nothing happens.
A) An old version of SAM or other virus software is interfering. Get 3.0.5 or later if it is SAM.
Q8) When I try to add fonts to my System I get an error message that the System file is damaged. Or when I double click a suitcase of bitmaps I get the same message.
A) The bitmaps in the system or in the suitcase have been compressed with Suitcase or are "damaged" according to 7. If the System file is damaged and you have another source for the fonts already in the system just boot from a floppy, trash the system file, empty the trash, reinstall 7 with the installer to build a new system file and then attempt to reinstall the fonts - if they are bad, System 7 will not let you install them. If you need fonts INSIDE a damaged suitcase or damaged System file, put a Font/DA Mover on your HD, boot from a floppy with System 6.0.x, open the Font/DA Mover, then hold down the option key, click open and you will be able to open the "damaged" system and get at those fonts. Split up the suspect fonts into smaller suitcases, reboot under 7 and try opening the suitcases. By trial and error you can determine which fonts the system is choking on.
Q9) What TrueType fonts are included with System 7?
A) Courier, Helvetica, Symbol, Times, Chicago, Geneva, Monaco & New York.
Q10) How do I get the "LaserWriter Plus" TrueType fonts?
A) Order them for $18 thru the Apple Software Order Line - 800-947-5176. Have a model # of an Apple printer ready.
Q11) What is the System 7 Tune-Up?
A) A package of Extensions, drivers and a new Chooser that you want if you are running System 7. Get it at ftp.apple.com, dealers, user groups, on-line services or thru the 800 # in Q10 for $10. Problems: the System 7 Tuner seems to break accelarators and the LaserWriter 7.1 driver has a problem with the LaserWriter and LaserWriter Plus. Don't use the System 7 Tuner if it crashes your accelarator. If you have the LaserWriter or LaserWriter Plus, use the Tuner Extensions but go back to the 7.0 LaserWriter driver. If you have an accelarator and a LaserWriter or LaserWriter Plus, don't use the Tune Up but do boost your PrintMonitor to 200K and lock it. That usually prevents the PrintMonitor corruption problem.
Q12) What is QuickTime?
A) Software to play movies right on your desktop. 68020 or greater needed for now. Get it at ftp.apple.com, dealers, user groups, on-line services or the 800 # in Q10 for $10.
Q13) Why don't I get 8-bit icons for Floppies and CD-ROM discs?
A) Because of the way the drivers are written. Then why is there an 8-bit icon for floppies? For dialogs like the one used in the installer.
Q14) How do I zap the PRAM under 7?
A) Hold down command-option-p-r (lower case) at startup. When you hear the machine restart a second time, the PRAM has been zapped and you can let go.
Q15) When I save a PostScript file under System 7 the resulting file is much bigger than it used to be. What can I do?
A) Get the Control Panel PS-Trimmer or Application StripFonts to control the size of the PostScript file OR make sure no TrueType fonts are used in the document.
Q16) Why doesn't my backup set of System 7 install disks work?
A) The install 1 disk will not be bootable if disk-to-disk copied under 7. Copy it under System 6 or use a program like DiskCopy to make copies.
Q17) How do I avoid rebuilding the desktop files when switching between 6 & 7?
A) Get the desktop manager init and load it in your System 6.0.x System Folder. It's part of Appleshare 2.0.1 and also part of the Oscar package at ftp.apple.com.
Q18) Why doesn't Apple HD SC Setup work with my non-apple HD.
A) Because it only works with Apple HD's. On occasion it works with 3rd party HD's, but that is not recommended.
Q19) How do I modify the amount of RAM that the Finder uses.
A) Boot under 6.0.7 and do a get info on the System 7 Finder. Can't boot under 6? Then use ResEdit on a copy of the Finder and modify the SIZE resource.
Q20) I can't rename my HD. What do I do?
A) Turn off FileSharing. If you still can't rename the HD, boot under System 6.0.x. If you still can't do it or can't boot under 6, get the program Unlock Folder.
Q21) I can't trash a folder. What should I do?
A) First try restarting. Second, while booted from a separate volume try trashing the folder you are trying to delete (it may be in the Trash folder at the top level of the HD). Third, boot from the Disk Tools disk and run Disk First Aid and check the HD.
Q22) Why is printing so slow to my ImageWriter under System 7?
A) TrueType. Remove TrueType, use just the bitmaps, or use Adobe Type Manager. Beware - printing will still be slower if you are comparing to printing under Finder (as opposed to MultiFinder) in System 6.0.x.
Q23) I am having printing problems under System 7.
A) Many things could be wrong. First try turning off Background Printing if it is on. If the problems go away, something is wrong or interfering with the Background Printing software - reinstall it and make sure the tune-up is installed. If you still have problems try printing with extensions off. If the problems go away it's probably your virus software or some other Extension interfering with printing. If you are using a 3rd party printer call the 3rd party and see if your driver is the correct one. When all else fails try a clean install (see definition above).
Q24) I am having printing problems under System 6.0.X.
A) Many things could be wrong. First try turning off Background Printing if it is on. If the problems go away, something is wrong or interfering with the Background Printing software - reinstall it - if you are using System 7 printing software use the printing installer to update the LaserWriter software OR make sure you have updated versions of LaserWriter, Backgrounder & PrintMonitor (you do not need Laser Prep). If you still have problems try printing with INITs off. If the problems go away it's probably your virus software or some other init interfering with printing. If you are using a 3rd party printer call the 3rd party and see if your driver is the correct one. When all else fails try a clean install (see definition above).
Q25) How much RAM is necessary for System 7?
A) 4 Megs. You can run with 2 Megs, BUT you can only run one application at a time (if you are lucky) and no Extensions, no FileSharing, no Background Printing, no Desk Accesories, get the picture?
Q26) What's the E-mail address for Apple?
A) There is no general E-mail address. For bugs send to Apple.Bugs@AppleLink.Apple.Com. For complaints, information, but NOT technical support call the Apple Assistance Center - 800-776-2333. OR write to:
Apple Assistance Center
20525 Mariani Ave.
Cupertino, CA 95014
Q27) What are files in the image format?
A) They are files in the DiskCopy format. Get Diskcopy or MountImage to work with them.
Q28) With FileSharing on why can't I eject removable media even when it is not shared?
A) Actually it is shared for the owner. As owner you can log in and have access to all volumes. To eject removable media, turn off FileSharing OR mount it after FileSharing has already started.
Q29) How do I do a network install?
A) Make a "Network Install" folder. Then insert each disk necessary for the install, and drag the floppy icon on top of the "Network Install" folder. This will create folders inside the "Network Install" folder. Then share the "Network Install" folder. Over the network launch the installer.
Q30) I have disappearing files or folders. What should I do?
A) Run Disk First Aid or Norton or MacTools or SUM Disk Clinic and try to repair the disk. Using the find command, locate everything you can and move the items to another volume or different part of the drive. Then REFORMAT & RESINSTALL. Rebuilding the desktop files will not help this problem. (Don't believe everything you read in MacWeek or Byte! ;-)
Q31) My settings in the Views Control Panel are not being saved. What is wrong?
A) The Finder Preferences file is corrupt. Trash it (it's in the Preferences Folder inside the System Folder) and restart.
Q32) Can the Classic II, PowerBook 140/170 or the Quadras run System 6?
A) No, they can't even run System 7.0. They REQUIRE System 7.0.1.
Q33) What printer driver do I use with my LaserWriter II SC under System 7?
A) The 7.0 Personal LaserWriter SC driver on the Printing disk.
Q24) My patterns for the Desktop are black & white or messed up. What do I do?
A) Use ResEdit and copy an unmodified ppat resource from the System 7 disks to your System file OR boot from a floppy, trash the System file, and reinstall 7.
Q25) Can the PowerBook 100 run System 6.0.x?
A) Yes, but it's not Apple supported or recommended.
Q26) Why does Virtual Memory create a file the same size as total memory? Why not a file the size of the difference between physical RAM and total RAM?
A) Because it's a gazillion times faster.
Q27) Where is MacroMaker? Where is Apple HD Backup?
A) The trashcan. Get 3rd party products.
Q28) Is there a System 7 compatible spooler for the ImageWriter?
A) Yes, SuperLaserSpool from 5th Generation Systems. 800-873-4384. This works with all 4 flavors of the ImageWriter (AppleTalk and LQ).
Q29) FileSharing can not be enabled. What could be wrong?
A)There has to be some free space on each volume (to be safe have a Meg free), the HD driver mnay need to be updated, the Users & Groups Data File may be corrupt (trash it and restart), the PDS files may be bad (trash them, they are in the FileSharing folder inside Preferences) OR there may be a bad block (reformat).